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Seeking Camp Manager

Job Description for Camp Manager


  • Salaried, paid monthly during summer months (approximately Memorial Day through Labor Day).

  • Room and board at Camp Colorado during summer months.

  • Mileage reimbursement for travel by personal vehicle on behalf of Camp Colorado.

Organizational Details:

  • Hired by and reports to Camp Colorado Board of Directors.

Duties and Expectations:

  • Responsible for the care and general supervision of the buildings and grounds; such as, keeping the grass mowed; seeing that the sanitary facilities are cleaned daily by those renting the camp; make minor repairs; arrange for major repairs in cooperation with the Operations and Facilities Committee of Camp Colorado Incorporated; clean the buildings when needed before a group or campers arrive; see that the shower areas are cleaned daily by those who rent the camp grounds; see that water is available at all times; cause water samples to be sent to the state for analysis as required; see that gas is available for the cook stoves; remove the garbage daily when a camp is in session and see that it is taken to a proper disposal site as appropriate; wash the mattress covers when needed and see that they are issued to groups needing them; perform weekly fire drills in accordance with State licensing requirements; enforce camp rules in cooperation with the camp director; serve as the primary contact for child care, health, fire, and state licensing inspectors; and take care of any other details needed for the proper care and supervision of the camp grounds.

  • Be present when a new group of campers arrive to “check them in” and be present when a group leaves to “check them out.” “Checking In” consists of helping the group or director in any way requested to get their camp underway, such as, explaining what is expected of the group as it relates to camp rules, campfires, use of the buildings and equipment, national park regulations, fire drill procedures, etc. “Checking out” includes the collection of camp rental fees (as outlined in camp rental agreements), checking for breakage, destruction of property, missing items and collection of reasonable damages for the same, seeing that the renter or group has cleaned or made proper arrangements for the cleaning of all buildings, grounds, and equipment before leaving.

  • Have a working knowledge of the State of Colorado child care licensing provisions and actively insure with the help of the Child Care Agent that Camp Colorado is in compliance with aforementioned State regulations and assist the camp directors and renters in complying with State child care regulations.

  • Collect the rental, breakage, and damage fees in accordance with rental agreements and deposit them in the camp checking account.

  • Collect, organize, and present feedback from the campers and renters.

  • Pay incurred expenses in accordance with Camp Colorado policies and with concurrence of the corporate treasurer.

  • Act as custodian of camp property including buildings, grounds, tools, equipment and other machinery to ensure property is maintained in safe working order as well as to minimize vandalism, trespass and unauthorized harvest of firewood, minerals or plant material.

  • Be responsible for coordinating the closing of the camp at the end of the camping season, the date of closing to be determined by the Camp Colorado Board.

  • Be present and participate in work days at camp.

  • Give input into the physical needs of the camp site proper that might affect the short and long term planning for camp upgrades and maintenance.

  • Help with the promotion of the District camping programs and the advertising of available rental times to help maximize the camps usage and sustainability.

  • Attend and give input at regular and special board meetings as well as the annual board retreat.

  • Follow all safety regulations and procedures. Report safety concerns, security issues, and prohibited activities to board chair.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Knowledge and concurrence of Church of the Brethren beliefs and values.

  • Knowledge of Camp Colorado and appreciation of outdoor ministry.

  • General office and organizational skills

  • Friendly and service focused

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